3 Operations
(Relevant Sections of the Textbook: 12.3 The Dot Product, and 12.4 The Cross Product)
3.1 The Dot Product
The dot product is an operation which takes in two vectors and outputs a single number. We will use it as a tool to measure several things, but it’s perhaps easiest to learn by just diving right in with the definition.
Definition 3.1 (Dot Product) If
For example, the dot product of
We will unpack a lot more of the geometry hidden inside of this simple defintion soon, but a first thing to notice is that the magnitude of a vector can be recovered from its dot product with itself.
Theorem 3.1 If
Exercise 3.1 Check that this works for the vector
The dot product is built out of the multiplication and addition of ordinary numbers, so it also inherits alot of their algebraic properties:
Theorem 3.2 (Properties of the Dot Product) If
3.1.1 Measuring Angles
We’ve already seen that the dot product of a vector with itself measures the (square of the) magnitude of that vector. But dot products are also able to recover direction information as well.
Theorem 3.3 (Angles and the Dot Product) If
Exercise 3.2 What is the angle between
What is the angle between
Definition 3.2 (Orthogonality) Two vectors are called orthogonal if the angle between them is 90 degrees, or
Note that the zero vector dotted with any other vector always gives zero, so we say the zero vector is orthogonal to every other vector.
3.1.2 Projections
One very useful application of the dot product is to help measure “how much of vector
The scalar projection of
Definition 3.3 (Scalar Projection) The scalar projection of
Exercise 3.3 (Scalar Projection) What is the scalar projection of
What is the scalar projection of
This tells us how much of a vector is pointed in a given direction, and so the answer is a scalar, or number. Oftentimes it is useful to compute a vector from this, whose direction is in the direction of
Definition 3.4 (Vector Projection) The vector projection of a vector
Exercise 3.4 (Vector Projection) Find the vector projection of
3.1.3 Standard Basis
Theorem 3.4 If
This confirms our notions of “amount” and “angle” make sense with our original interpretation of the vector
Theorem 3.5 (Direction Angle) The angles
3.2 Cross Product
In two dimensions, given one vector
In 3D, the analogous problem is more difficult: given two vectors, how do we find a third vector that is orthgonal to them both at once? A nice solution to this is given by the cross product.
Definition 3.5 (Cross Product) The cross product of
Exercise 3.5 (Orthogonality of the Cross Product) Check that if
While there are many vectors orthogonal to
Theorem 3.6 (Properties of the Cross Product) Let
However, the cross product has two very important differences from regular multiplication: the order matters!
Theorem 3.7 (Non-Commutativity of the Cross Product) If
Not only does the order that you place the vectors in the product matter, but if you are doing more than one cross product, the order in which you perform them matters as well!
Theorem 3.8 (Non-Associativity of the Cross Product) If
3.2.1 Computing the Cross Product
Definition 3.6 (
Using this notation, we can recast the definition of the cross product from Definition 3.5 to look like
Note the minus sign on the second term (compare with Definition 3.5 to see where a
Definition 3.7 (
Putting it all together,
Definition 3.8 The cross product of
While the cross product is specific to three dimensions, later in the course we will sometimes apply it to 2-dimensional vectors, where we think of a vector
Definition 3.9 (Planar Cross Product) If
3.2.2 Geometry of the Cross Product
The main property of the cross product is that it’s a third vector that its orthogonal to the two vectors you start with. If you did Exercise 3.5, you’ve already proven this theorem:
Theorem 3.9 (Orthogonality of the Cross Product) The vector
Howver there is an entire line of vectors orthogonal to
Theorem 3.10 The magnitude of the cross product
This formula, base times height times the sine of the angle between them may be familiar as the area of a parallelogram. That gives an even more useful interpretation of the cross product’s length:
Theorem 3.11 The magnitude of the cross product
This has an immediate corollary: if
Corollary 3.1 If
This gives us the magnitude information, but what about the direction? There are two possible directions a vector could point if it must be perpendicular to the plane containing
Theorem 3.12 (The Right Hand Rule) The right hand rule is a mnemonic to help remember the direction of the cross product. If you take your right hand and align your palm with the vector
3.2.3 The Standard Basis
It’s often useful to know the value of the cross product on the standard basis vectors, to speed up some computations and avoid the lengthy formula in Definition 3.8.
Theorem 3.13
This is helpfully illustrated by a diagram:
Recalling that the cross product changes sign when you reverse the order of the inputs, its possible to compute the rest of the possible stanard basis products:
In terms of the diagram, this means if you read “backward” along an arrow, you insert a minus sign.
3.3 The Triple Product
If you have three vectors, its possible to combine the dot and cross product to get a single number: take the cross product of two of them to get another vector, then dot that result with the third.
Definition 3.10 (Triple Product) The scalar triple product of the vectors
Writing out the cross product using Definition 3.8, we see that this is actually a big
Theorem 3.14 (Triple Product) The triple product of vectors
Just as the
Theorem 3.15 (Triple Products & Volume) The magnitude of the triple product of
3.4 Videos
3.4.1 Dot Products
From the “Calculus Blue” series by Prof Robert Ghrist.
A video reviewing the basic definition of the dot product.
The following two videos review the theory and an example for using the dot product to find the angle between vectors.
A short video on the definition of orthogonality.
Real world applications of the dot product